Your Personal Essay Matters

A great college application essay can be the key to getting into a great school.

Admissions officers want to see behind the paper application, to get a sense of the actual person applying. After all, schools admit people, not resumes. Grades, test scores, extracurriculars don’t really tell the story of who you are. You need to tell that story, with your essay.

Admissions committees put applicants into various buckets, based mostly on grades and standardized test scores. If your grades and test scores are high, you’re in the top bucket. If your grades and test scores are low, you’re in the bottom bucket. But guess what? Every year (especially at the best schools) some students in the top bucket get rejected (“What?!!”), while some in the bottom bucket get into their dream school (surprise, surprise!). What happened? In many cases, it was the personal essay.

Come across the wrong way in your essay, and it won't matter how good your grades or test scores are—you won’t get in. But write a great essay and suddenly the admissions officer is saying, “I don’t care what the grades are, I want this person at our school.”

Take the time, put in the work, write something that catches the eye of your reader, and you might just find yourself at the school of your dreams. I’m here to help you do that.